We took them from the Welsh, gotta find somewhere to stick them.
We took them from the Welsh, gotta find somewhere to stick them.
GIMP is open source, could someone then just tell it to sign anything?
How would that work then, I presume most would just ignore it because if it only verifies you used Adobe to make something it’s pretty worthless as a “this isn’t AI” mark.
Normally cheaper on eBay in my experience. Pretty rare that I will use Amazon these days
I setup my own with a bash script for backup years ago that uses rsync, feel too invested in that now to change
Pretty sure there are greetings that spread more germs than a handshake, what about a hug or kiss?
Couldn’t dont() just be an order to halt and goingToCrashIntoEachOther can be a simple true/false?
So the drones both stop, then start moving and immediately see they will crash into each other so they halt again. Drone version of you go, no no you go
I will not. I refuse to get a smartphone.
It is with few exceptions. Given that it looks like the purpose is to call out a Nazi supporter I think they wouldn’t get in trouble for that though.
If it was a genuine mistake he would have sincerely apologised. Only a nazi doesn’t apologise for making a nazi salute.
Sure radiators were first invented over 100 years ago, but so were cars. Most of them are not 100 years old though.
That is my point. You are not getting cooling with a heat pump with a normal water based central heating system. Which is what I have. Radiators are new though, not 100 years old. It works really well for heating my house and its a lot quieter than forced air systems.
Honestly don’t care which, both are far more profitable than anything I could ever realistically expect to get.
Yes, I know it could cool water down. But the problem you have if you then pump that through conventional radiators/pipes that were only built to take hot water is that condensation can start forming on them, especially in humid environments.
Molotov cocktails
For air to water systems? Honestly haven’t heard of any that do cooling.
You would probably end up with the same condensation issues there then. Unless the system is build differently to start with to consider that, but at that point you are replacing the entire system anyway.
I think most normal people are quite happy to ignore the opinions of anyone that denies the holocaust.
Although I wonder how many people realise the scale of it? 6 million Jews gets repeated a lot more than all the other victims. Ask the average person in the street how many died and how many would say it was 6 million in total and forget the rest? The other victims shouldn’t be forgotten about.
And how much power the global government has compared to individual regions.