we do this every january in DC.
I have scores hidden and block at the first sign of asshattery. If I block you and that means you win, then please enjoy the win. I want you to.
“Your boos mean nothing, I’ve seen what makes you cheer.”
we do this every january in DC.
lemmy wasnt always like this. we got the worst of reddit coming in like they invented the federal universe.
maybe if corn dogs had mushrooms
i get paid in gov cheese
this is weird but who am I to judge what people fap to.
these are all the license plates in my neighborhood. DC doesn’t care.
st augustine didn’t even call it freewill, later catholic scholars came up with that bullshit.
ikr, I made this account when there were no other instances. more of the worst of reddit is leaking in.
ah yah because only capitalism counts. no one else needs to know numbers.
i don’t see the issue.
it took me hearing from adults with diagnosis for it to finally land that the popular conception of autism is very limited.
sure, but what are you talking about? your post could apply to anything
I haven’t had to block a maga in a decade. my admin already took care of that.
the concept of more than one website is so challenging for plebs.
use both and please don’t bridge bsky to the fedi.
maybe when I first started 15 years ago it was like this.
now I have a community that will follow me on whatever bullshit instance I create because I got a clever domain name.
what do you mean?
goodbye forever
the astroturfing is happening but don’t fall into the trap of thinking that makes it less real. astroturfing works or they wouldn’t do it.
every time i introduce a sofa to an LLM scenario it gets obsessed about it.