Venus is only for penus
Venus is only for penus
I’m pushing 40, if there was social media or whatever around when i was 14, i think my life would be way different and i’m so happy it wasn’t. I don’t even blame teens, they hardly even have a chance to be themselves. I used to work for that woman that was roughly my age, maybe a year or two older, and her look and her house just screamed: “I’M STILL 20” she had something between 3 and 5 kids, i couldn’t really tell. She said she made Instagram, tiktok accounts and whatever for all of them as soon as possible so they have the “good” usernames and it’s their birthday present when they turn 12. These kids are fucked. Sidenote, the creepiest thing about her house was that all her and her childrens pictures have these absurd beauty filters and they were cranked up to the point where no one had a nose on their pictures. It was like looking at tinder for minors.
That’s good news, that means it’s a lie.
And if not, it’s saturns fault that she’s an insufferable cunt
If you believe in something like astrology, chances are high that you also get scammed by nft
I prefer something really lightweight that only runs notepat
You can just bing: is ______ down right now?
Is this your sieg heil hand? Nice.
Ew that karen ass response is just sad.
I mean design aside, there is no reason to make it this shit, even if it looks bad. It’s just a rug pull but with cars. There is no way in hell you see one of these driving around in 10 years, except some rare cases of garage queens. The car had a pre-order system for fucks sake. The selling point of the car is that: “in an apocalypse, you can just drive over other cars.” Which says a lot about the clientele of that thing.
Same, i also don’t like to walk around at night. And it’s not because i’m afraid to get hit on by some random women.
Just kill some people if you feel threatened. -Americans
There is is something funny to being this close to a bird flu pandemic while a fascist is president and people’s biggest problem seems to be that eggs are expensive. You can buy some chickens and collect and eat their periods yourself. Or just not eat eggs, but that seems like too wild of an idea apparently
Me and my best friend had the weirdest sms chats ever. That was before emojis were even a thing. All our chats were:
? ! 8? ! ->