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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • Mexicans should absolutely be keeping an eye on American politics. Especially since half the debate was: Sir please explain how much you hate Mexicans and what you’ll do to prevent any Mexicans from entering our fair country and how you’ll remove the Mexicans problem when you’re in power.

    Trump: internment camps, American Auschwitz if he can

    Biden: further tighten border control and further restrict ability to obtain legal entry

  • Cigarette ash absolutely gets sticky from tar. Source: worked in a casino for a decade, have seen dust built up in PC fans and any other airflow device or crevice many times that looks somewhat like fuzzy sludge. Fucking disgusting.

    And yes all the beige curtains, walls, etc were white when we first put them in, matter of weeks for a brand new white curtain wrap(used to hide the poles for chandeliers that have camera arrays in them) to turn tan/beige

  • JJROKCZ@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlMath
    14 days ago

    American schools cover the civil and 2 great wars because those were the last times we were arguably the good guys. Every war since has been a conflict we started by meddling or we had no good reason to be there

  • Read here: all utilities and banks in America. Oh you want to call and talk about something important regarding your natural gas bill or mortgage? Call between 10am and 4pm Monday-Friday to talk to one of our dedicated Sri Lankan representatives. Oh you work during that time? Good, that’s the point lol

  • Not just Nevada, any state that legalizes VLTs soon becomes plagued by VLTs (slots by any other name are still slots) put into every existing building. Gas stations, bars, strip clubs, convenience stores, etc, everyone gets slots/VLTs. Bonus is that any empty building gets purchased and filled with them since nothing but gambling survives despite the surroundings. Illinois is my main example here as my home state, I can’t spit without hitting a slot machine it’s ridiculous

  • Hopefully Ford’s massive investment into EV and battery factories in Kentucky will help Kentuckians appreciate electrical power for providing jobs just as easily as coal did.

    I see no reason every coal miner can’t become a solar/renewable installer and technician. There are fields of panels across the Midwest already, someone has to build and maintain those and it’s certainly safer than being underground

  • I have several polo Ralph Lauren clothing items in my home, the logo hasn’t changed significantly in 30+ years in shape or size on the normal polos. They do have some items that have the polo logo or the teddy bear larger but those are in the main Ralph Lauren line for fashion, not the Polo line polo shirts that are a business casual intent

  • The town has just continued to decline, nearly everyone is either desperately poor, broken by their jobs so they can’t do anything or they’ll lose disability, on hardcore drugs, or so old/senile they can’t contribute to the community.

    Nearest decent job and grocery stores being 45+ minutes didn’t help things. A few generations and it’ll be completely gone. I, like most capable children of these type of towns, fled to the city as soon as I was capable in search of a better life. Otherwise I’d break my back in manual labor and develop opioid addiction, or have my job replaced by automation and develop opioid addiction. Tis the fate of America’s rural Midwest

    Back in the late 1800s-early 1900s the town counted over 60,000, by the early 90s around 3k was being generous with city borders and census counts. I honestly think they just stopped updating the sign to stave off depression and save money