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Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • IonAddis@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldSo quickly forgotten
    3 months ago

    So, from a meta perspective, no real people died or were harmed. And the things real people get from a story are not a direct one to one analog to what goes on in a story.

    Stories let people process things without actually having to participate in them. The fictional characters are not real. The person reading is, and generally filters what they read through a lifetime of experiences, picking and choosing what to integrate into themselves. Watching media or reading books and liking things doesn’t turn you into a bad person simply by exposure.

    It’s true a story can spread a dialogue, but acting like someone is a terrible sinner guilty of the most horrifying thought crimes because they like the bad guy in a story isn’t really different in my mind that someone religious peddling nonsense like you’ll go to hell if you merely think a thought that isn’t in line with a holy book.

    I think sometimes people raised in religious homes with all that guilt about thinking sinful things stop going to church, but sort of copy and paste the moral thought crime bullshit onto random things and pick that up as their replacement zealotry because it feels familiar.

    I see it happening a lot in discussions of media with darker content.

  • My thoughts too. I’ve always hated pdfs because they struggle to load, while word opened fine.

    One caveat… online browser based word processing can’t handle truly long docs, the browser chokes on it. Maybe people are running into that if companies take everything to the cloud with word 365 and google docs.

    As a long form writer, I hate online word processors.

  • IonAddis@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldAnd now I'm concerned
    7 months ago

    And hormones in humans have severe life lasting side effects.

    Not having hormones has pretty severe effects. Women who’ve gone through menopause (or had ovaries removed) and don’t produce hormones often get prescribed hormones to prevent things like osteoporosis. Men with low testosterone get prescribed it. Children who don’t produce hormones don’t go through puberty–in the past, they castrated boys with pretty voices so they’d never have their voice break, and that had severe health consequences on the boys turned into eunuchs.

    I’m saying all of this because when it comes to “hormones”, you kinda have to be specific. You can’t just throw it out there like, “oOooOO! Hormones! Scary!” Otherwise you get into a realm similar to how people hear “dihydrogen monoxide” and don’t make the connection between the “scary science word” and the fact that dihydrogen monoxide is water and is necessary for life.

  • So what I’m hearing is that computer code will eventually drift closer to DNA where “noncoding” sequences actually perform regulatory functions but in a way that’s super-arcane, and all you know is if you get rid of the noncoding bits the proteins change expression for some bizarre reason…

  • I’ve had good experiences with Namecheap for domains. Some of their support people are also in Ukraine, so if you’re of a mind to support them, giving them your business will do that at least a little.

    One word of advice–it can be smart to have the domain name with one provider, and the hosting with a different one. That way if your hosting situation goes bad for whatever reason, you still have control of your domain and can point it at a new host as quickly as you can buy space and they can provision it (with time for DNS to propagate of course).

    Basically, don’t put all your eggs in one basket. When I did webhost support, I saw WAY too many small business owners get into pickles because they had hosting AND domain with the same provider, and when something went wrong with that provider, it was just such a huge PITA to get control of the domain.

    No recs for hosting, I don’t currently have a webpage up (just email) and my knowledge is way out of date, from like 2008 when I worked for a webhost as support.