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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2024


  • I was at a grocery store where a guy went into the express 15 items checkout with a full cart (no excuses, it’s very clearly marked), he was unloading all his stuff while the person in front was finishing up and then when it was his turn the cashier dead faced stared at him, shut off the light and her register, and walked to the one next to it and started it up. It was amazing.

  • Back when Obama made it where you couldn’t be evicted and bailed out the auto industry, I had a friend that drove a car hauler. He wasn’t paying his house payment and lived for free for a year, and only had a job because of the bailout. He talked mad shit about the bailout and about people living and not paying their rent. This is republikkklown logic. I was blown away and said to him, he wouldn’t have a job or a place to live if it wasn’t for that. He said he’d live somewhere else and get a different job.

    Since then, he lives with his wife and child in his mom’s house with a shit job and complains about people being on welfare. They don’t get it.

  • Mods be going hard lately. It’s not really good. You have mods in .ml that will ban you for not liking your opinion. You have mods that will ban you if you call out an obvious troll/bot and tell you to let them know and they’ll take care of it, BUT they ban you for reporting a troll/bot.

    They need to make it where we can see what mod is removing comments and banning people. Right now you can see what actions were taken but you have no idea who did it. It’s pretty clear there are some bad actors out there and they’re really making this platform less appealing by the day. When you let trolls run wild and ban the humans because they’re calling out bullshit… you have a problem.