Lookup Folding @ Home or boinc. It’s basically the same thing.
Lookup Folding @ Home or boinc. It’s basically the same thing.
Yeah that movie would have been very different without Robbin Williams as Adult Alan. Imagine if the movie we’re a drama and not a comedy. It’d be a harder gut punch than Requiem for a Dream.
Kay this is just semantics at this point, so ultimately it’s unimportant because delving this deep into it distracts from the overall conversation.
With that said, wouldn’t the existence of a post office and other socialized services make the US (and basically every nation state in existence) by strict definitions, a mixed economy? Like if we had to keep to first year undergrad levels.
To be clear for the back row, being this pedantic about semantics not only distracts from the overall conversation but when made as a serious point is at best a sign of ignorance, and at worst it’s an argument made in bad faith in order to move the goal post. This comment is meant as an aside. Ultimately like everything else an economy is a spectrum, and strict categories are more often than not caused by our desire to make things simple.
Only if you accept a single payer health care system and like it!
4’33" composed by John Cage, with the accompanying orchestra of course.
I read it as comparing the three exposures to each other.
The first evolution, Charmander was exposed to lead and the toxic effects of lead are pretty fast acting. Meaning they were weakened the quickest and couldn’t evolve.
Charmeleon was exposed to asbestos which has latent toxic effects, they show up decades after exposure. So the Charmeleon lived quite a while before they showed any noticeable effects.
The final evolution was exposed to micro plastics and because, so far, micro plastics seem to be so unreactive they just chill doing nothing the Charazard had an opportunity to evolve.
It’s the old adage “the laws that free me, bind thee”. Although I’d argue that I should include the extreme left wing as well with the way I worded it. It’s just that the extreme left is so few in number they’re statistically insignificant. Perhaps I’m just being pedantic.
It’s a free ride when you’ve already paid
That’s a single authority falacy, in this case there is only one opinion, the person who’s protecting their financial information, to promote the idea of not looking into someone’s bank account. When there could be a legitimate reason to look into a person’s finances.
In all seriousness in so far as the meme is presenting itself single authority is prudent. Like what if every decision about yourself everyone was always a stakeholder? That would be hell.
It’s a pro-police flag. It’s supposed to represent the thin blue line between law and order. It’s routinely used by people who support the police to a weird extent and as a counter symbol to the Black Lives Matter protests/movement.
I feel bad for people who truly can not afford good kitchen stuff, granted most people in my area can. Otherwise yeah, assuming the person were discussing can afford it. There’s no going around spending a little money on good kitchenware if decent results are expected. It’s not like people have to drop thousands, but a few hundred is kinda normal.
Also tip for anyone who’s building up their first kitchen, those gimmicky things that are always on sale are almost always crap. Buying that stuff is worse than gambling, cause at least gambling doesn’t leave you with a kitchen full of worthless clutter.
Historically, food wasn’t as abundant as it is today. Gluttony as a sin, at least with food, isn’t the same today as it was 200 years ago. That’s a ridiculous argument to make. If you really want to speak ‘historically’, it was advantageous for our hunter gatherer ancestors to exploit any opportunity for extra food because they never knew when the next meal would be. We’re still hardwired for that, except food isn’t rare anymore it’s abundant for most people on the planet.
Besides, food addiction isn’t the same as other additions, an alcoholic can obtain from drinking alcohol, an opioid addict can too, no one can stop eating food. Unlike other additions, someone who’s obese because of their eating habits can’t quit food. The thing their addicted to is in front of their face every day.
They probably looked a lot more like birds than reptiles too because taxonomically speaking birds are actually dinosaurs.
While there are no laws that really stop an AI from doing whatever, there are already laws to stop someone from doing that. It might be difficult to find a corporation like UHC guilty of fraud when they use a faulty AI to refuse health care, it’s pretty easy to go the other way and charge a person for using a corporation’s AI in a way they did not intend.
A corporation causes a million deaths, no one bats an eye. Steal a million dollars from a corporation and everyone loses their fucking minds.
One of the funniest programing bugs ever. Gandhi’s code was meant to be the least aggressive AI in the game, but if something made Ghandi become even less aggressive it could overflow backwards and set his aggressiveness to max. This creating a Gandhi that wanted to always be at war.
Oh for sure, enough kindling has definitely been set down to start a new world war. Adding all the sparks people are making and it seems like history might repeat itself. The next world war might have even started as far as historians will be concerned. I just think that if full mobilization actually happens the prepers are as screwed as the rest of us. The only way to actually survive that with a fragment of our old ways in tact is to already be rich and powerful, should the worst happen.
The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand might have been the spark that caught the fire that started WWI but there wasn’t a single cause. It was all the back-room alliances between nations that was the kindling that spark caught, and a long build up of new weapons no one had put into total mobilization yet, and a bunch of other things.
If Archduke Ferdinand wasn’t assassinated WWI might still have happened. Though history will never know.
Not just parents dying but kids too. It was this guy’s responsibility to make sure the people who managed the company would refuse as much life saving care for children as possible. I do not endorse anyone to commit murder ever, but I won’t be shedding any tears when a monster like that is shot down. I do think it’s okay to feel some sympathy for his kids, but they’re wealthy. They’ll probably be okay in time.
Yeah, it’s kind of lost all meaning. I’ve seen Marxists call Liberals tankies, and I’ve seen Liberals calls Marxists tankies. I’ve seen right wingers call Leftists tankies, and I’ve seen Leftists call Centerists tankies. I know where the word came from, and who the first tankies were but I rarely know what a person’s intent is with that word anymore. Maybe it’s just young people slang now and I’m just too old to get it.
Because I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was. Now what I’m with isn’t it anymore and what’s it seems weird and scary. And it’ll happen to you!