Caveat: I know nothing about 3D printing.
That being said, couldn’t you just print it on its side?
Caveat: I know nothing about 3D printing.
That being said, couldn’t you just print it on its side?
If it makes you feel better, from a purely environmental perspective, drinking soda from aluminum cans is probably way better than plastic bottles due to higher aluminum recycling rates and much higher efficiency of the aluminum recycling process compared to plastic.
I ran into this when I was thinking about buying some Doc Martens recently. I know there have been other examples, that’s just the most recent I can remember.
Damn, I’ve been singing their praises for years…but I haven’t actually bought a new pair in ages
I’ll get right on that, as soon as I wrap up these 3 defects
Hi it’s me, your colleague
Meh, the constant threat of being thrown violently out into oblivion was most of the fun!
Lmao they only considered 95 > 98 > ME to be minor version updates? They didn’t even deserve their own major version? Although it’s probably pretty accurate, I remember 98 basically just being a slightly updated 95. I never used ME so no idea with that. It’s still pretty funny though.
What if you want to be at the spot where you actually clicked the mouse?
F12 opens dev tools in most browsers, so I use that one all the time.
Well now I wish I had thought of this for my wedding
Is it that hard to understand that some people just value convenience?
That’s making a pretty big assumption that in-person jobs are going to pay better.
Given my extensive knowledge in this area, I can confirm that this is indeed a picture of a room.
I just fired Bannerlord back up the other day for the first time in a while. It’s come a long way!