I got in an argument with a toaster and now I lost a bet and I’m here just to get my house back.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • That is not how any of that works. They would call the police to remove them. They would then determine if they do pose a threat and then maybe detain them on a psychological hold. Even if all that does happen, it has to go to a judge with a charge after it’s examined by the DA. Then maybe false imprisoned. But it seems a bit far fetched for the situation.

  • I’m not blocking blatant stupidity. I’m calling it stupid for the whole world to see. It’s not for you. Because it’s obvious you’re stupid. It’s for those that read it and not think it’s cool because it’s a meme so “everyone” is doing it.

    Shelling into “it’s just a joke” is pure and utter bullshit. Grow some skin yourself and realize that actions have consequences.

  • Yes. Let’s blame others around rather than the person making a cheap joke and acting like they are too cool to follow the accepted rules. Would we feel this way if they made a such a caviler statement about owning a gun? Would it work if were mocking nurses paying attention to administrating medicine?

    Of course not.

    It’s the person on Instagram. If you can’t care that the rider could be a mother or a father to a little kid, pull over and sell your fucking car and take a bus. You have the illusion of responsibility without actually thinking it’s a cooperative event on a massive scale.