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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • Not the person you’re responding to

    Obviously Israel shouldn’t exist at all. It’s not a diplomatically expedient thing to say, but it’s the only real anti-colonialist answer because Israel is actively a colony. That doesn’t mean expelling all the Jews from Palestine – it might shock you to know there are non-Israeli Jews currently in Palestine – but it does mean that the proper boarders for Palestine are restored and thus that there is no ethnostate (Jewish or otherwise). Recent additions to the Israeli colony (for they are always recruiting) can be sent back to their homelands. Many of them have been there long enough that they have no connection to those homelands anymore (including the more direct descendants of Holocaust survivors, etc.) and they can stay on the land that was Israel, but a lot of them are only there because they like the Jewish ethnostate thing and will therefore flee of their own will. That volume of people fleeing will probably incite still more to flee, but some will remain and they should be treated humanely and as equal citizens, prosecuting whatever crimes they committed but not being treated like subhumans the way that Israelis treated Palestinian prisoners.

    The US is a much more difficult question because unlike Israelis being a minority compared to Palestinians, there are many more Euro-Americans, etc than there are Native Americans because the genocidal project of the US is much more complete. Inevitably some land, the land recently taken and some of the more useful land than what the Natives have been left with, should be returned to them, but obviously deporting all the Euros, etc. is neither viable nor productive, like how (to a much, much smaller extent) deporting all the Israelis is neither viable nor productive.

    That said, separate from demographics and land rights, the US government absolutely shouldn’t exist because it is terrorizing the world, including through proxies like Israel.

  • If you were following burden of proof, you could stake your claim on particular billionaires who you say never exploited anyone, and it would then be on the other fellow to prove they did exploit people. Without example billionaires, however, your claim is nebulous and no one has any particular reason to believe in it.

  • Capitalism has been struggling with the problem of collapse, and in fact it did from pretty early on in that history you mention, with Italy, Germany, Japan, Spain, and so on. The problem isn’t just going to go away, because a system that needs infinite expansion in a finite world necessarily will collapse. It can sometimes “innovate” its way into having more time, and modern imperialism is just such an example of that innovation, pushing much of the poverty capitalism demands into the third world, but that just changes the specific circumstances of the problem rather than eliminating it. The US as we speak is continuously losing its grip on its hegemony as the imperial periphery and semi-periphery develop sovereignty. History will not end.

  • Yeah, that part is bizarre

    The police said on Sunday that a knife had been recovered and posted a picture on social media. The next day, however, it posted another message saying the knife had been taken from the crime scene by an unidentified man.

    Officers recovered a different knife from the scene, thinking it was the one that the suspect had been carrying, according to the Gothamist.

    An NYPD spokesman told the news website that the knife they picked up must have been left behind by another subway rider.


    So they just accidentally recovered some unrelated knife, thinking it was the suspect’s knife, while failing to recover his actual knife that he charged them with. I don’t know what the truth is, but that story is genuinely ridiculous.

  • Which West Germany didn’t face?

    We already established they had a Nazi problem

    the latter is more of that “librul witchcraft” of globalization.

    Again, the poverty in the region was longstanding and persists even today.

    the Soviets brutalized the East, and that left a legacy of uneducated poverty.

    I’m not impressed with your link, remember that the West had the RAF, which enjoyed a fair deal of popular support. I’d also need a source on things like poor education since socialist states historically are the most consistently excellent at things like mass literacy (though of course modern Germany is fine in that regard).

    So it’s reduced to “They were poor” which was always the case and is still the case, though at least there was virtually no homelessness in the East, which the West and notably modern Germany cannot say.

    Oh, and you’re right there were no camps in East Germany, those camps were in the USSR

    I said death camps, which the USSR also didn’t have. Labor camps are just a form of prison labor that people use the Holocaust’s work-to-death camps to sound more brutal than they are. Prison labor was also practiced in West Germany, is practiced in modern Germany, and is practiced in whatever liberal state you like. The equivocation here is really the peak of the “Soviets were also Nazis” bullshit that is of course popular with the aggrieved German liberals and anticommunist historians the world over.

    Well no, there’s one step further, but I hope we can avoid talking about it because it doesn’t concern Germany.

  • I obviously don’t expect you to have a positive regard of the Soviets, but equivocating between the East German government and Nazis is frankly disgusting. We can start with something uncontroversial: The East Germans absolutely did not have death camps (probably the closest thing they did was the killing of many former Nazis) and were not engaging in ethnic cleansing.

    The modern trend of people from the former East Germany supporting AfD probably has more to do with the interceding decades of liberal rule, combined with the region’s historic relative poverty (which preceded even the Nazis).

    It should also go without saying that I despise the Russian federation like I despise all liberal governments, and the Russian government especially for its primary purpose being anti-communist suppression. That said, again, “hard Nazi” is a disgusting thing to call them when they aren’t doing things like running death camps or engaging in ethnic cleansing. It’s just hysterical projection from the liberal masters of a country that has a civil religion around an actual Nazi collaborator and perpetrator of the Holocaust, Stepan Bandera.

  • Notice how Germany is a good country nowadays

    That really isn’t true, and it’s not true for the same reasons as you describe of the American South. There was relatively little denazification in West Germany, and the West German government eventually became the German government, so now we have a country where the supposedly liberal parties respond to the blatantly fascist AfD by adopting their policy positions.

  • Yeah, but that’s something that is harder to be succinctly convincing about to someone who is enough of a philistine to say “nazis were socialist” to begin with. That said, in the source I linked, the very next paragraph is:

    ‘We might have called ourselves the Liberal Party. We chose to call ourselves the National Socialists. We are not internationalists. Our Socialism is national. We demand the fulfilment of the just claims of the productive classes by the State on the basis of race solidarity. To us, State and race are one…

    If it’s nearly as appropriate to call yourselves liberal as it is to call yourselves socialist, you probably aren’t much of either (and indeed, as much as I despise liberals, Hitler was not a liberal either).