Testing is a sign of weakness.
Testing is a sign of weakness.
deleted by creator
Because that is a hack […] not a solution!
Here you go, I think you lost these: “He”, “They”
since they are physically blocking light, shouldn’t these block uv by the same amount it blocks all other light?
dude’s got all his ducks in a row
That’ll be fun in a multi threaded setting!
well, most as in numerically, technically yes :D
aint nobody got time for that
you could say the same for the mandelbrot, if you zoom in to most of it you get all black
wait, is the Czech flag technically a simple fractal?
The pricing for every single one of the new aeropress products are absolutely crazy. I would have loved an XL if it wasn’t the price of three original aeropresses.
espresso machine is under pressure
Not in the cup its not.
overheating sugar happens at temperatures water will never ever reach at atmospheric pressure
So my old cable box proves the second law of thermodynamics. The more you know hahah
I’m sorry it doesn’t cater to your specific linguistic preferences, bro.
OCaml ??
Holy fuck they want me to pay ~70€/$ per month to read that!