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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • FabledAepitaph@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldA bit late
    2 months ago

    I can’t believe I even have to explain this.

    There is no way to argue against a statement like “Women’s safety is more important than men’s feelings” because it’s such a loaded and ambiguous statement. It’s just as loaded and misused as the statement “it’s wrong to murder children” when used by proponents of banning abortion and limiting women’s reproductive rights. You can’t argue that it’s okay to “murder children” because it’s not okay to do that, but they’re intentionally misusing the statement to their own benefit for the emotional impact.

    There’s probably some name for this logical fallacy, but I don’t know what it is. But the important thing is that you’ve fallen victim to it. “Men’s feelings” and “women’s safety” don’t negate each other, and they don’t have to compete; not unless you challenge somebody to argue against the statement “Women’s safety is more important than men’s feelings” exactly as you’ve done here. You’re manufacturing conflict from out of nowhere, and it’s an annoying distraction from real-world issues.

    Why don’t you target your statement a little better? Why don’t you hold the actions of rapists and abusers against rapists and abusers, instead of innocent men who’ve done nothing but try to live their lives and respect the people around them?

    Get off your fucking high-horse and rejoin reality with me where we have mutual respect for each other, whether you’re a man or a woman.

  • FabledAepitaph@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldA bit late
    2 months ago

    You are, right now. This post was, as well as every other post. I’m not just going to sit here and bite my tongue. The entire thing was designed as an attack to get a rise out of people, and here it is. Thanks to whoever made this post.

    What kind of person would I be if I weren’t willing to defend myself?

  • I’m from Oklahoma, and although it is an unfortunate place socially and politically, it’s pretty decent geographically and geologically. It is very flat around most of the state which is kind of boring, but it has some pretty great landscapes when you go looking for them. The biomes range from pine forest and rolling hills in the southeast, to prairie flatland/grasslands across the center of the state, to almost desert highlands in the northwest.

    There are “mountains”, but they’re so old that they’ve been eroded basically flat, down to their granite cores–one of the contributing factors to Oklahoma’ flatness, no doubt (not to mention it used to be under the sea, which is where our petroleum comes from). There are a few mesas and butes to the northwest, which stand out among the desert high plains, composed largely of red clay dirt and vibrant, sparkling gypsum/selenite/quartz cap rock.

    Check out the “Glass Mountains”. The thick layer of mineral deposit atop the these mesa structures would have been deposited during a great epoch of evaporation, increasing the concentration of minerals in the inland sea so greatly that they had no choice but to fall oit of solution–pretty wild.

    There’s also some sand dunes, but the ones in Colorado are way cooler.


  • FabledAepitaph@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlWarm Water Port Envy
    5 months ago

    Hilariously, Texas is all about giving people the freedom to freeze to death with their substandard electrical service in the name of “freedom from government oppression”, but they can’t just let trans people decide to transition because it could be a mistake and they might regret it? All while supporting child labor where kids could get crushed or heinously injured in massive industrial equipments? Amazing.

  • I am new to Linux and never used it regularly before a couple months ago, but I’d recommend just going with Linux Mint to start off. I don’t know much about Arch, but from all the jokes I see on Lemmy, I get the impression it may be a more advanced distro for people who know what they’re doing? I wanted to try PopOS! because people said it was good for gaming, but the install wasn’t as streamlined for a dual boot Windows/Linux setup.

    Linux Mint just kind of works and installed super fast. And my Windows partition is still intact and functional (but I’m wondering if I even need it tbh). My only holdup is Microsoft Office. I still haven’t tried to get that working inside of Linux, but if it’s possible, then I will certainly delete my Windows install.

    But anyways, don’t over think it. Just do Linux Mint and then after a while, you’ll be able to understand why or if you should consider another distro I would guess!