Webdeveloper from Germany, nerd, gamer, atheist, interested in nerd-culture, biology of everything creepy, evolution, history, physics, politics and space.

Progressive. Ally. SocDem. Euro-Federalist.

Political Compass: -7.0, -6.62

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • Enkrod@feddit.detoMemes@lemmy.mlsmoking
    27 days ago

    I was very very lucky.

    I turned 26 when I heard myself coughing like a 66 year old chainsmoker with cancerous lungs, found I was unable to run up stairs and out of breath after carrying groceries inside. I had to have a cig every morning so I would be able to have a shit at all, but if I did… that first drag sent me rushing to the bathroom, it got so bad, I had to light the first one while sitting on the loo, or i’d shit my pants.

    That’s when I found myself disgusted with myself. I stopped, I simply stopped. From 38 cigarettes per day to 0. I am so happy it worked, because I am a very easily tempted personality and tend towards addiction in anything that gives my brain pleasure.

    It took a year before I completely stopped coughing and two years before I could run up those stairs again, but one day I simply realized “Oh my! I’m not out of breath. What… what happened? Oh, yeah I quit smoking! Damn this feels nice!”

  • > Golf pal of dad go to Japan for business,
    > he has prostitute over,
    > goes at it like a wild rabbit
    > she keeps screaming "Ana chigai!! Ana chigai!!"
    > he thinks she mean big praise, great or wow
    > next day he go golf with japanese businessman
    > Japanese man get a hole in one!
    > dad pal scream "Ana chigai!" to praise him
    > Japanese man turn to him, looking confused
    > "What you mean, wrong hole?"

    Your flash drive: “Ana chigai!”

  • Not necessarily. And I don’t think you meant it like this could be read.

    You can absolutely be pro something but recognize the downsides of it. You can be pro vaxxination, but be critical of how the government handles rollout, you can be pro EV but still remain convinced that the resources needed for batteries are (at the moment) produced using child labor and causing environmental destruction. Constructive critique is valid and necessary.

    People don’t need to be fanboys, sitting on the fence is completely okay in regards to many topics.

    What I think you meant to criticise (please correct me if I’m wrong) is that lots of invalid critique and unreasonable opposition hides behind a thin veneer of “I’m actually in favor of {x}” and yes, we’re all sick of it.