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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2023


  • Yes, sorry for the little error, my point is that m*Hz it is not generally speed but only in specific cases. Hz is not just “per time” but “something occurring x times per time”, like a frequency or revolutions. You can not use it for regular speed, it has to be a periodic event. That is how it is defined:

    The hertz is defined as one per second for periodic events.

    This is why we have Becquerels to count decay events, which are random and not periodic, but the unit is also 1/s. And for the same reason you can not use m*Bq as speed.

  • Thank you for proving me wrong regarding the discussion. It just felt insulting to read, as if the sun only stops shining when the earth doesn’t spin. The tiny fraction of output on overcast days is negligible.

    Yes, Dunkelflaute is not impossible to deal with. But we can not bridge these gaps with batteries, as you already pointed out. I doubt that we can bridge it with power from intercontinental transmission lines, given how the politics look like today and how much they need to change first + then actually starting to plan and build it… In 50 year perhaps. But we need a CO2 reducing solution now. Right now. Not in 30 years. Batteries are not relevant now and won’t be in the foreseeable future due to monetary, resource and manufacturing bottlenecks. Storage of electricity to later use it as electricity is simply not feasible right now, apart from the minutes you get from existing hydro storage.

    Right “now”, so in the next decade, if we push modern nuclear instead of fossiles (which we need to keep building due to said fluctuations) we will get far less CO2 quickly. At the same time, we can burn the old nuclear “waste”.