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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 14th, 2024


  • I (an American) had actually never heard of Costco until I moved to Japan. Where I grew up we had Sam’s Club, but no Costco, so when I got to Japan and the other foreigners were talking about how they love getting the chance to go down to Costco, I had no idea what they were talking about.

    Didn’t see a Costco in person until a few years later.

  • Top 10 in North America is still pretty bad.

    People need to grow up with this infrastructure being in place, seeing it used by regular people for basic tasks like going to work or the grocery store. Seeing it in movies and other media (in a positive/neutral way). It needs to be normalized. Unfortunately, that takes a long time and a ton of money.

    The truth is, right now, in the United States, most public transit is absolutely horrible. It doesn’t serve many locations, it’s usually crappy old buses with stains on their seats, there’s often one or more individuals with overt mental health issues, and public transit in general is associated with poverty.

    You’re not going to get people using public transit regularly if it’s not normalized, incentivized, clean, safe, etc. It’s a tough problem, to be sure. Some places are making a lot of progress on it, such as where I live in Seattle, but it’s an uphill battle due to the way the United States was built to be car-centric.

    By the way, if you don’t know anyone who advocates for public transit and uses it more regularly than you say, I doubt you are in the top 10.