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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Which doesn’t make sense. Therefore my confusion.

    There are people who do not identify as having a gender, this is commonly referred to as “Agender”. People who identify as Agender may not identify with the concept of gender, some may attempt to present gender neutral, while others may not make an effort to present any specific way. It’s one of the many NonBinary identities, that is people who don’t identify as exclusively male or female. I can understand though that for some it might be confusing as it has only been receiving mainstream recognition relatively recently.

  • I think they’re trying to argue that transgender women aren’t real women and that respecting them and allowing them to use spaces that align with their gender identity is endangering women.

    That’s how their comment reads to me, the way they dismissed the meme gives off those vibes.

  • That is a good point, a person who wears a dress isn’t necessarily a femboy. Some certainly are but plenty also aren’t. It wasn’t my intention to imply that wearing a dress makes someone a femboy and I can see how it enforces gender stereotypes to a deree. In the end a skirt or a dress is a piece of clothing, which inherently do not have gender and saying someone is a femboy for wearing those clothes isn’t great if the end goal is to break away and be free from these stereotypes.

  • I already know what you’re getting at but arguments in favor of breaking gender stereotypes aren’t made invalid if the person who originally made them ends up identifying as trans. I know that lots of people like to use situations like that as “evidence that people who break gender stereotypes are just trans-in-denial” and/or a justification for harassing GNC folks (r/egg_irl and r/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns were especially awful about that back in their heyday) but it’s very important to recognize that GNC people are valid in their own right, and trying to generalize them as transgender is hurtful and enforces the toxic gender stereotypes that hurt people.

    Oh and before someone tries to twist my words around. No a trans woman wearing a dress doesn’t enforce gender stereotypes, what enforces gender stereotypes is to say a person (i.e. a femboy) is trans because they wear a dress without their input on the matter.