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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: February 16th, 2024


  • Dasus@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldSelective rage
    6 days ago

    “Blindly trusting the words of an article”

    No. Again, it’s the SCIENTIFIC CONSENSUS.

    “All scientific consensus means is the agreement of the global scientific community, that’s not something you can trust, EVER, so you should listen to me, a random person online, rambling. It’s for sure gonna be more accurate, despite me having actually admitted that I don’t even understand genetics.”

    Are you smoking crack or something?

    You clearly haven’t read them. Honestly, it’s incredible that you’ve spent all this time here, when you could’ve just read them and understood why race isn’t a thing. You don’t understand the argument they’re making. You don’t understand that no such thing as a biological race exists according to the BEST understanding we have. Do you think your half-assed ideas are better than the research of THE ENTIRE GLOBAL COMMUNITY THROUGHOUT HISTORY?

    I’m not angry. I’m trying to emphasise the thing you’ve clearly missed. You don’t understand that we aren’t on an equal footing in this. You admit yourself you don’t understand genetics, yet think you can have a “discussion” about pushing your ideas which rely on not understanding genetics. If you did understand genetics, you wouldn’t hold those idiotic ideas in the first place, which is WHY YOU SHOULD READ THE STUDIES.

  • Dasus@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldSelective rage
    6 days ago

    It’s really not “bold” to assume you haven’t read it when you just wrote a whole lot of asinine shit you think sounded proper and smart, when you didn’t even understand the part I quoted from them:

    “What the study of complete genomes from different parts of the world has shown is that even between Africa and Europe, for example, there is not a single absolute genetic difference, meaning no single variant where all Africans have one variant and all Europeans another one, even when recent migration is disregarded,”

    See you plain do not understand what that means. It’s clear as day from your comment.

    Im not used to this reddit style sites, im usually on messeagers with talking to people from logical perspectives, not people who just toss source links from jurnalist sites that tell you random scientist claims it true.

    Dude you’re literally saying that science doesn’t matter, while insisting that you must be right and that you’re “using logic” and that all the actual facts and science on the matter is “some random sources”. It’s not “some random sources”. It’s everyone. That the scientific consensus on the subject. If you claim it isn’t, then you get some fucking science to show instead of your weird gibberish.

    It’s beyond obvious you haven’t read either of the links. DO SO.

  • Well, in the sense that ofc “social sciences” would include history for one, and historically, it was recognised as a notion. And in the sense that that notion is a social construct, is something that modern social sciences would study, obviously.

    I think you know — but now I’m saying in case you didn’t — that I meant that the notion that there is a biological race of any sort isn’t a notion modern science would agree with.

  • The practice is said to be so routine that Israeli soldiers have a name for the human shields, who are referred to as shawish – informal slang for a low-ranking soldier – and the process was described by several witnesses.

    Palestinian civilians, mostly young men, are picked up by Israeli soldiers, dressed in Israeli army uniforms, then sent into tunnels and damaged houses ahead of Israeli forces, soldiers told Haaretz and Breaking the Silence.

    Their hands are tied together and a camera is attached to their bodies as they go in.

    Holy fuck that’s disgusting

  • I think the easiest thing “plot-wise” is to endow the magical object itself with a sort of sentience. Like not as much as the Sorting Hat in HP, but to the tune of that.

    I strongly feel Vision definitely is sentient, as anyone who’s seen TNG would know the arguments made for Data, and they very much apply here. If we assume the first, and there is something in the hammer that judges people, then yeah, it’s hard to explain how some can move the hammer a bit, but not gain the power, despite the wording of the spell. Cap almost moves the hammer, even making tor raise an eyebrow slightly. So perhaps there’s “degrees of worthiness”. And Vision is pretty high up there, but not “have all the power” high. Or perhaps the power just didn’t manifest at all because Vision didn’t even try to “tap into” it. Who knows, comics can explain it however they feel like.

    But I would not agree that Vision is “an elevator”.

    “Prove to the court I am sentient.” - Captain Picard (from “ST:TNG The Measure of a Man”)

    These are fun to talk about but yeah, it does boil down to “take your pick.” Still, doesn’t mean we can’t have fun theorising.

  • Exactly.

    The Picard Maneuver was born out of desperation during the battle. The Stargazer, which was damaged, suddenly accelerated into high warp directly towards the Ferengi ship. By doing so the Stargazer appeared to ship’s sensors, for an instant, to be in two places at once.

  • Do you guys not know that that is exactly what a Picard maneuver is? Seemingly being in two positions at once?

    The Picard Maneuver was born out of desperation during the battle. The Stargazer, which was damaged, suddenly accelerated into high warp directly towards the Ferengi ship. By doing so the Stargazer appeared to ship’s sensors, for an instant, to be in two places at once.

  • Dasus@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldI think he couldn't
    14 days ago

    Since vision is clearly sentient, couldn’t one argue that his sort of absolute sense of morality just made him worthy?

    Might not be a biological life form, but defining life is hard and he clearly is sentient.

    Like imagine Commander Data. I think he could be worthy to lift the hammer, if it’s about the lifter being “good”. And TNG had a lot of arguing if he’s alive or no.

  • Dasus@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldtragic
    14 days ago

    Yeah. I genuinely think it’s definitely not most people. And most people aren’t greedy.

    But living in a society where the power is with the small insane minority who is greedy and blind to consequences will make a society in which even non-greedy people end up making “financially smart” decuisions (read:selfish gain at the possible cost to others, like cheap items despite knowing they come from countries with very badly exploited workers).

    But yeah, I’m honestly of the opinion that we genuinely have only one massive problem on this planet, and it’s the psyche of these money/powerhungry fucks. And while it might be somewhat common — ambition is not be frowned upon, as long as you’re even vaguely moral — the truly pathological version comes when an ambitious psyche is twisted by our already somewhat twisted society.

    Here’s a nice piece from a self-confessed money addict, former wall street trader. https://www.nytimes.com/2014/01/19/opinion/sunday/for-the-love-of-money.html he’s also written an entire book about it.

    So what could be done about this? Well, it’s genuinely an addiction and lack of empathy. Do we have any medication with anti-addictive and perhaps empathy-generating qualities?

    We do, actually. They’ve been under lock and key for almost 100 years, because they’re potentially the antidote to the ills of our world, and the psyches of the powerful fear such things.

