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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023

  • This is referring to the fact that after the French revolution the people of France changed the way they spoke to sound more like how the noble class spoke. The French in North America were isolated from this and maintained the “original” way of speaking French.

    Nowadays, to a Quebecer, Parisian French sounds pompous and snobbish, while to a French person, Quebecers sound unrefined and coarse.

  • The sad part is that all of this is all self-inflicted in the name of “growth” for the shareholders. They absolutely could take 7, modernize it, call it “12” and release it as a lightweight, fast and more privacy-respecting OS. It would probably be far cheaper to make as well.

    But that’s not what the Corporate elements of the company want. They see the OS as a platform to force feed to the users features that they can market as “lucrative” to the shareholders. Nobody else wants that. I predict that Windows 12 will have some sort of baked in “AI” that you can’t get rid of as a bare minimum.

    But this is none of my concern. They’ve finally pushed me over the hump and now I’m 100% sold to Linux. It has gotten so much more approachable than it used to be. Especially with Mint.

  • Microsoft is dead to me.

    Maybe if after a disastrous enough reception of Windows 11 they might make a Windows 12 that actually cares about being more palatable to the users, like they did with Windows 7 following the disaster that was Vista.

    But I think they’ll most probably only move to meet us halfway like they did with Windows 10 following the other disaster that was 8. Where they replaced a major irritant with another and then slowly stacked more and more irritants with updates thereafter. They are too addicted to the revenue from data harvesting to give it up.

  • DaddleDew@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldWhy is this?
    3 months ago

    And now resorting to a strawman argument. Michael never said that medical effects didn’t apply. You really need to watch that video again. And I also agreed that medical factors had an influence. Last paragraph of the comment you just replied to: “which is affected by both medical and subjective factors”

  • DaddleDew@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldWhy is this?
    3 months ago

    If you’ve truly watched that video then it must be a long time ago and are remembering it wrong. Because it does say exactly what you’re saying early on in the video, explaining the studies that show how people are now younger from a medical point of view. You then clearly see that the age difference reported in the study from a medical point if view is not nearly wide enough to explain the magnitude of the difference of we perceive in real life.

    This is why video then shifts away from the purely medical perspective towards the more subjective reasons that could affect how we perceive people’s age. Of course it’s not gonna be backed by medical research to support this because the other reasons for this phenomena has absolutely nothing to do with medical science. Medical science doesn’t give a shit about the evolution of fashion in haircuts, makeup and clothing. But that doesn’t mean that it cannot have an effect on people’s perceptions of other’s age. It is obvious in the examples provided in the video that this has a far greater effect on the perception of someone’s age than the medical explanation alone.

    The meme itself is obviously about people’s perception of people’s age, which is affected by both medical and subjective factors like the evolution of fashion. Trying to pretend that only the medical factor counts is, essentially, ignoring the other half of the argument just to make yourself sound right.

  • DaddleDew@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldWhy is this?
    3 months ago

    It is because when you look back to old pictures of people from when they were younger, the people in it have clothing styles and hairstyles that we today associate with older people.

    Look up a video on YouTube from VSauce called “Did people used to look older?”. They explain this phenomena well.