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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023

  • CrabAndBroom@lemmy.mltoLinux@lemmy.worldArch Stability
    3 days ago

    I think the thing with Arch is that it’s very customizable, so it’s essentially as complicated as you make it. If you just install the base and Firefox and Libreoffice, and never mess with the AUR or touch anything else, then you’ll most likely never have much trouble. If you’re like me and you turn it into an unholy mishmash of base packages, AUR, flatpaks, Appimages, Docker containers, VMs and lashed-together Wine things, you’ll have a huge teetering pile of spinning plates that requires constant fiddling lol. But that is very much by design.

  • For me personally, I don’t hate Ubuntu but eventually I found it a bit frustrating. IMO they have a habit of picking a thing they think is shiny (eg: Unity Desktop, trying to converge desktop and phones, Mir, currently Snaps) and just going ALL-IN trying to force it to be a thing, regardless of whether people want it or if it makes any sense. Then they keep pushing until it’s almost actually decent, then drop it like a hot potato and chase after some other thing. So for me it always felt like important things were being neglected for the sake of whatever they think is cool at any given moment.

  • I think it would depend on how confident I am that I’d be able to beat the kidnappers.

    If it’s like inept comedy movie kidnappers and I feel like I’m on my way to deliver an ass kicking, then yes I’d play pump-up music.

    If it’s scary KGB/ISIS kidnappers and I’m probably on my way to perform a well-intentioned yet ultimately futile gesture where I’ll likely get killed before I even get through the door, then probably no tunes for that one.