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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 12th, 2023

  • Our parents and their parents all tried to conform to a type of idyllic family stereotype that was never attainable. Family members were ignored and ostracized for behaving outside that stereotype. Excuses like “it’s a fad” started specifically because of the need to explain away the behavior without allowing any follow up questions.

    It took a long time but we are finally able to embrace our differences and recognize what’s actually normal. Conservatives are still fighting to live that unattainable lifestyle and mad at everyone else cause they can’t.

  • Heyo, national economies need to run at a deficit. The amount of debt needs to be maintained but running a negative is a good thing because the interest payments become stable capital injection. These regular, anticipated payments build the confidence of very conservative money managers to spend their own money. It’s trickle down but in a way that helps increase the likelihood of money being spent, which is basically the GDP. And the speed of people spending money in the system is a metric that central banks use to set interest rates.

    It’s all connected and that’s why running a deficit, a (relatively) small one, is a good thing. Nations don’t use checkbook accounting.

  • Clouds will form over the spot as a warm wind blows in from the southeast. Flecks of rain will fall and a slow rumble will build from below as the ground shakes and a hole appears from the fallen ground. A representative of each will be sent: a sheriff, an artist, a socially conscious libertarian, and a racist.

    They will each give you one gift and then the sheriff arrests you and takes you to be judged by the racists. The others watch on in quiet disapproval, to the abortion or the arrest it isn’t clear. The racist then says “As foretold, the skies open and you’re on trial in another state.”

  • Comparing the Civs steals the joy they bring for their various reasons.

    • Civ 1 was unlike anything else and so legendary it created the 4X genre.
    • Civ 2 had the best espionage until an expansion for 4. Civ2 also defined the scope for all future Civs.
    • Civ 3 was fine. Resources were a good addition and tile quirks, like Floodplains on top of another base tile like desert, helped bring tons strategy and gave the ability to grow Tall.
    • Civ 4 was probably peak Civ for many people, especially including DLCs.
    • Civ 5 removed unit stacking and made happiness a resource.
    • Civ 6 emphasized the city development aspect and brought back the climate stuff from 2, 3, and 4.

    They are all good but they are not collectively suitable for every person. Civ6 is amazing but it took me literally 30 hours to finally have it click. I also have 550 hours in Civ 6 and over 1200 in Civ 5. CiV is also a high water mark but it overshadows the real value and fun in 6.

    It’s a shame most folks will ignore us and say 6 was bad for being too game like.

  • ChicoSuave@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlMusic to my ears
    1 month ago

    No. Shame is powerful and under utilized by the left because we are afraid of hurting people. The right is dropping bombs on children and threatening fascism. The difference in restraint is huge and it is hurting the left more.

    The right whines when it doesn’t get it way and throws legal tantrums when they have to play by the same rules as everyone else. This is just the start of the schadenfreude. The right can fucking die of collective anger for all I care.

  • Golden Rice is the most obvious example of how wrong you are on all your points. Golden Rice is GMO to be easier to grow in bad locations and provides a lot more nutrients than non-GMO rice. It is cheap and easy to grow, intended to bring food nutrition to parts of the world that suffer from nutritional deficiency.

    This one GMO food solved blindness, diabetes, and death from lack of vitamin A. Many MANY more foods are modified for our benefit that don’t attract people who are scared of the words Genetically Modified. Do you even know how things are genetically modified? Breeding programs that specifically target for traits. No one is going into the DNA to make 5G tracking chips or Super COVID.

    Did you know corn was genetically modified in the early 1900s to increase yield per acre?

    Did you know the other staple grains like wheat and soy are also GMO? You can eat food without eating GMO and you are absolutely fine.

    Stop spreading baseless fear.