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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • c-suite

    CEO, CTO, CFO etc. In a '90s Internet startup like the company I worked for, the “C” really stood for “clueless”.

    giant printouts of insanely over-normalized databases

    Over-normalization is a database thing - a simple example of normalization would be a “People” table where instead of having the “Salutation” field just contain text like Mr, Mrs. etc., you have a separate “Salutations” table with all the possibilities listed and keyed with an ID (usually just a sequential number), and then the “People” table stores a Salutation ID for each entry instead of the actual text. It’s a valid and standard thing to do with database design, but it can be taken to extremes where absolutely every possible trivial thing that can be normalized is, producing an overcomplicated mess that is extremely difficult to work with programmatically.

    Printing out this over-normalized mess of a database on multiple sheets of paper which are then taped to the wall is utterly useless.

    How is a database a trick?

    The printout is the trick - it fools the bosses into thinking you’re doing something amazing and productive when you’re really just fucking around. It only works on the technically incompetent, of which there was no shortage in '90s Internet startups (or today).

  • Kids in The Hall

    My favorite sketch show of all time, believe it or not. I’m squishing your head.

    The Real World

    Even the first Real World was a lot better than later years of MTV. I think one thing that MTV never gets credit for is helping to normalize homosexuality in US culture, which they did by always having a gay cast member in the show.

  • My family didn’t have cable TV growing up, so I had to watch MV3 which was a half-hour syndicated MTV knockoff out of Los Angeles where the videos always had a studio full of kids dancing superimposed over them. I was always self-conscious about dancing back then, but if you watch videos of 80s kids dancing you’ll realize that everybody danced like shit back then.