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Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • To expand on this, in linguistics, when you notice a similarity between two words, there are three main possibilities.

    1. Common ancestry. The English word “house” and the German word “Haus” are obviously similar, and this is because they both descend from Proto-West-Germanic, with the source word being something like hūs around 1700 years ago or so.
    2. Borrowing. The English word “chef” is a direct loan from French “chef”. It’s pretty common for the borrowed word to specialize its meaning somewhat. French “chef” merely means “boss”, while English “chef” specifically means “boss of a kitchen” (who’s probably from France because no one wants to eat English cooking).
    3. Pure coincidence. This dog example is the classic one, but it really does happen, and not exactly infrequently. There are only so many sounds in human language, and across all languages, you’re bound to get some random collisions. There is the special case where both words originate from a phenomenon like onomatopoeia or infant language ability (think mama, papa, etc).

    The first two are fun because they’re evidence of some kind of historical connection, which can sometimes stretch back further than the historical record. Sanskrit in India having a lot of similarities to Greek and Latin is the classical example there (and controversial if you’re a Hindu nationalist). Coincidence can be disappointing when you think you’ve discovered some exciting historical connection, but the dangerous bias that has to be kept in mind is that generally, if you’re looking for something, you will find it.

  • Sure, but if the knife enthusiasts group is also promoting to you a “Slashing Children With Knives Enthusiasts” group, I think it’s worth criticizing.

    And it is absolutely worth hiding from people who want to use it if the group in question is hosting pedophilia.

    Speaking as a gay guy, there is an astroturf effort from the alt-right to try to paint the LGBT community as being so “inclusive” as to also include literal pedophiles, as if it’s just another sexuality or kink, and I’d rather prefer to nip that squarely in the bud by drawing a very hard line.

  • There is a practical difference in the time required and sheer scale of output in the AI context that makes a very material difference on the actual societal impact, so it’s not unreasonable to consider treating it differently.

    Set up a lemonade stand on a random street corner and you’ll probably be left alone unless you have a particularly Karen-dominated municipal government. Try to set up a thousand lemonade stands in every American city, and you’re probably going to start to attract some negative attention. The scale of an activity is a relevant factor in how society views it.

  • Wage growth in the US has been most pronounced in the lower end of the market. Growth-oriented businesses like tech are a lot more sensitive to interest rate spikes, since their entire model is to borrow a ton of money to pay highly skilled workers a lot to “disrupt” an industry and achieve very rapid growth.

    That isn’t necessarily contradictory with still struggling, since inflation exists. If you suddenly make 10% more money but everything costs 10% more as well, you are objectively making record wages, even though your buying power remains the same. Per that report, inflation-adjusted wages have actually grown on the lower end of the job market, so the average low-wage worker’s buying power has actually increased, but general statistics don’t always translate over to real-life experience super cleanly, and of course, a slight improvement from a bad financial situation doesn’t suddenly put you in a good situation.

  • so why not just lower the profit margins?

    Probably for the same reason you don’t casually decide to go to your boss and say that you voluntarily want a pay cut.


    Average hourly wage at the start of 2020 was $24. It’s now $29, which comes to about $10,000 more each year, and is an increase of about 21%. That growth has been concentrated in the service industry, but the data is pretty clear regardless, and the general trend applies to basically all sectors. Inflation in that same time period is 18.1%, so it simply is a matter of fact that the average worker has greater buying power today than they did in January 2020.

    That’s an average, of course, and may not necessarily apply to you individually.

  • Inflation drives all the numbers up. If money inflates to half the value but you maintain the same profit margins, you’ll make record profits despite the finances having functionally remained exactly the same.

    Workers are also making record wages. It doesn’t mean much if you don’t consider how much the money is actually worth, as we’ve all been discovering over the last few years.

  • Okay, this is an honest question.

    Why do you care? How does it matter at all to you what apps your friends use? How does it affect you?

    I can totally understand people valuing their privacy strongly and refusing to use mainstream corporate social media. I can also understand people who don’t care about that and decide that they get more out of it than they give.

    Given that people posting on a social network that you’re not on has essentially no effect on you at all beyond a vague bit of FOMO, why does it matter?