One Piece: the Shonen manga where the boss of all queer people is an awsome revolutionary working to overthrow a reprehensible racist and classist regime. Oda was always a visionary
One Piece: the Shonen manga where the boss of all queer people is an awsome revolutionary working to overthrow a reprehensible racist and classist regime. Oda was always a visionary
To be fair, we have a deposit system for those, so it’s kinda cheating
Right, because Fish&Chips doesnt contain any of that Salt and fat.^/s
Truth be told, every nation has their food quirks. It’s just that from my german pov all your vinegar chips are disgusting. Chips and Crisps need Salt amd probably also paprika to be perfect. But that’s decidedly german.
There is great english food. It’s just that your average brit ain’t making it either. Ive been to Bournemouth on a school language program several times and we had amazing Yorkshire Pudding and more good stuff once. But we also had Microwaved raw Broccoli with soggy disgusting Pizza another time.
Also: You guys have an unhealthy obsession with vinegar.
It’s a bit more complicated than that. Palestine doesn’t have a strong democratic tradition to begin with. Additionally, Hamas is only governing Gaza, not the West Banks. Hamas also suppresses secular Freedom organizations. And ~50% of the people in Gaza wouldnt even be able to vote out Hamas since they are under 18. Then we have the case of Hamas indoctrination, which finds fertile soil in the impoverished and destitute Gaza youth.
All of that isn’t to say I support Hamas. I am quite vocal in my disdain for them. But Israel plays a significant part in their success. So does Iran. And let’s not forget that the religious right has been torpedoing a resolution aswell, not just the Jihadist organization Hamas. Rabin wasn’t killed by a palestinian hardliner.
The attacks weren’t perpetrated by a free Palestinian people or some recognized advocacy group, but by an extremist wing of the Muslim Brotherhood that has been pushed by Israel for decades.
You forgot about the Ford Focus bullying the Audi off of the left lane.
“Was is’n des für ein Kombi? Der macht ja voll Terror!”
Are Stalinists accepted in your circles?
Wether or not the SU handed the means of production to the workers or just transferred them to a different previleged class is debatable. But it surely did not abolish the commodity form.
From a theory standpoint, Russia didnt really fullfill the prerequisites for a transition to communism. The social structures were still too aligned with serfdom. In such an environment it is difficult to actually transition from state capitalism to socialism in a functional way, and most critiques of the Soviet Union seem to stem from this problem.
In all fairness, liberalism did change the world already. It replaced the old status quo of absolutist monarchism and was literally revolutionary in its time. It’s simply a matter of 250 years of civilizational advancement leaving it behind at some point.
How is liking spreadsheets connected to autistic spectrum disorder? (Im being genuine here)