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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • I think the company should also be required to clearly state the amount of time they’ll keep supporting the game and will operate the servers for. If they decide to shut them down early, everybody should be given the choice to either receive a full refund or the non DRMd version of the game + the server software like you suggested.

    In general I think all paid games should be required to clearly state the amount of time they’ll keep providing feature updates for, as well as support for new hardware, major bug fixes, and minor bug fixes. Although games that aren’t online and just reach EoL are still playable for quite some time, eventually there’ll be some breaking operating system or hardware change that will force the use of a virtual machine, compatibility software, or other types of emulation to keep playing. That might not happen for 50 years, at which point you probably don’t care, but still. I’d give more leniency to indie Devs and games made as passion projects, though.

    Although obvious once you think about it, I don’t think most people realise or even think of the fact they will eventually not be able to play the game they’re buying. And these mega companies need to stop making games they dump 6 months after launch.

  • Baku@aussie.zonetoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlOf course
    1 month ago

    I’m always worried about inadvertently doing this, so I’ve been trying to make a conscious effort to ask people if they need more context rather than assuming they do or don’t. It’s actually a good approach I think. Although it does depend on whether the person you’re talking to is likely to just say “oh yeah, I know what that is” when they really don’t

  • Baku@aussie.zonetoMemes@lemmy.mlThey were behemoths.
    2 months ago

    I once saw 2 blokes getting on the tram with half a tv. It was a 50" or so tv with the back plastic thing missing. They were both shirtless and both seemed to be completely out of it on something. I sort of concluded they ripped a tv off the wall but didn’t have a way to get it home, or to a pawn shop or wherever they were planning on taking it

  • In australia, it can be illegal too. Only 1 state has actually made it 100% illegal, that state being Queensland (which is a rather big state too, stupidly enough). Where I’m from (Victoria), it’s not illegal at a state level, but some councils prohibit it in their local bylaws. In the rest of our states and territories the act of sleeping in your car isn’t illegal, but some of the more affluent and snobby areas try to get around that by not offering anywhere to park overnight without permits or living in the area