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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Auzy@beehaw.orgtoMemes@lemmy.mlBig scared
    17 days ago

    And the biggest badasses I know also drive some of the crappiest cars and such too.

    When more hilariously, here in Australia, I do a lot of hiking and such, and the badasses these days tend to be women. There’s a lot of macho guys who talk big, but I’ve done some scary hikes with elderly women and a woman with Parkinson’s.

    The guys and women i.know who do the most crazy stuff also tend to be the most friendly people

  • Auzy@beehaw.orgtoMemes@lemmy.mlWhy haven't you taken the bear pill?
    2 months ago

    This was one of those toxic questions designed to cause people to argue. That’s really its ONLY purpose. It really only has 2 answers, and both can be interpreted as toxic.

    My 2 cents though, here in Australia, you’ll occasionally get a question about staying safe when hiking as women.

    You’ll have a huge majority of women saying its safe to hike in Australia, and then 1 or 2 women encouraging women to bring knives or weapons. The ones who claim this then get a huge negative response by both women and guys pointing out it makes things more dangerous for everyone and that nobody needs them.

    As a male guide also, I’ve actually found it difficult to find other guys to hike with, but it is incredibly trivial for me to find women to join me (in fact, doing one this upcoming weekend).

    So, interpret that as you will, but, honestly, the people who are incredibly invested in either of these answers, in my opinion, nobody would want to hike with regardless (bears, other women or men), so the answer doesn’t affect them.

  • There’s a reason GitHub is the largest service lol

    You need to sell services based on their advantages rather than the politics. The reality is, github allows projects to be very easily migrated to other services anyway.

    Using something because it’s open source isn’t helpful at all if it doesn’t work with your workflow easily

    Productivity is more important to the success of open source than anything else.

    I know this, because a project of mine died because we wasted too much time on infrastructure

    Developers don’t need access to the GitHub source to do their job, and there is no advantage to anyone.

    In fact, if they distribute the code, it simply reduces the incentive for Microsoft to improve it, and the only ones who will step are, are shit companies like Oracle

  • Auzy@beehaw.orgtoTechnology@lemmy.mlGitHub Is Not Open Source, A Rant
    3 months ago

    There is a massive GitHub API which you probably already aren’t using. And now you want them to release the source code which you also won’t look at?

    If they open source the code, what contributions would you make? How many contributions have you made to the Lemmy code? How many with vs code?

    How would it benefit open source projects given that GitHub hosting is free for open source? How would it benefit GitHub?

    Would you host your own GitHub repo when you can host it for free (which it will be for open source) on GitHub or other services anyway

    Some projects don’t really benefit from open source.

    If it’s a big thing, host your own using an open source project. Compete against GitHub.

    But calling me a shill isn’t really an effective argument. I have contributed to a few open source projects in the past and released some of my own.

    I don’t feel like forcing companies to open source their projects is the way. Open source needs to win on it’s own merits. And plenty of open source projects have (the Linux kernel as an example).

    Have you contributed anything to githubs competitors? That might be a place to start. Because at the moment, there aren’t any issues with GitHub that open sourcing would address. Microsoft don’t need the additional resources

  • Auzy@beehaw.orgtoTechnology@lemmy.mlGitHub Is Not Open Source, A Rant
    3 months ago

    So tired of seeing these posts.

    Nobody worth listening to is complaining about creating an account on GitHub. Ubuntu brainstorm was a huge success and you had to create an account for that too

    It literally takes 30s.

    And github has a hugely comprehensive API that allows developers to easily move if that want to.

    If Microsoft Open sourced the backend, the reality is, nobody would look at the code, and everyone would still use GitHub because it’s reliable. Vs code is open source, and I’m willing to bet community contributions are limited

    And open sourcing the backend just means Oracle will take the code, and set up their own server for marginally cheaper and make GitHub worse… That’s what they did with red hat

  • Auzy@beehaw.orgtoMemes@lemmy.mlAnd I'll vote for him again
    3 months ago

    Except it’s not.

    Here in Australia we have preferential voting which is much better, but Biden and Trump are not the same.

    Honestly, this is just the current strategy that right wingers seem to have switched to

    Trump is a total psychopath who only cares about himself. He’s a criminal. The fact they’re trying hard to indict Biden, have for months but have found nothing should be a strong indicator he’s not (his son might be, but that has nothing to do with Biden, since unlike Trump’s kids, he wasn’t part of government).

    Trump made it clear he would cause a insurrection months before it happened, and now he’s backed into a corner, what do you think will happen if he becomes president? He’s made it clear that he will act like a dictator

    Seriously, if you guys vote Trump, it will f*** everyone. They’re not the same

  • Auzy@beehaw.orgtoMemes@lemmy.mlWell that sucks
    4 months ago

    I wonder how many adults here saw porn as a kid? If we’re being honest, probably the majority. Kids don’t find youporn unless they’re looking for it.

    There is a highly effective way of preventing kids accessing porn, by being a parent and watching them (ie, put the computer in a public area) and also installing porn blockers in parallel. That’s the solution.

    The problem with laws like this, is that they’re easy to abuse and they’re created by people who don’t understand technology either (so they’re happy to make tech less useful, or they’d even ban some of it entirely if they could be to level the playing field).

    It’s more important to keep kids away from unsolicited porn specifically and creeps, and that can be some simply by requiring a site warning and monitoring them online

  • Auzy@beehaw.orgtoMemes@lemmy.mlboycott Nintendo products
    4 months ago

    You’re still buying Nintendo hardware.

    Honestly, I stopped using Nintendo because of all the joycon issues, the fact they’ve been mainly just remaking the same games for 30 years and they screwed Wii u customers. You need to re buy the same games again.

    On Wii u, not sure if this changed, but if you broke the main controller, you basically couldn’t replace it.

    They have a better rep than Microsoft and Sony , but I’m not convinced they deserve it

    No idea why anyone would buy anything except a steamdeck these days

  • I don’t think you realise how easy migration from Github is lol… Ask the Jira guys if you want an example of moving ISSUES. And Github easily has the most comprehensive API out of any service which makes migration VERY easy.

    I know you think you’re helping Open source, but you’re doing the opposite here.

    1. One of my projects failed in part because we were screwing around with infrastructure too much. Github is EXTREMELY comprehensive
    2. Github is extremely UNRESTRICTIVE from the API side, especially considered to more “friendly” ones like SourceForge. VERY easy to migrate from to other 3rd party services. I’ve come across open options which don’t really have any good means of migration
    3. It sounds great “oh set up your own server, etc”… Woo pro open source. It’s NOT. We did that once too. Wastes money, and wastes resources unless you’re a large organisation
    4. If Microsoft is “that bad”, you should be making forks for their MIT projects (like VS Code). You’re not…
    5. It makes us all look bad when people try to present Assumptions as facts, because every developer sees through them. There’s a reason no projects are actually protesting here…
    6. On one hand you’re arguing Microsoft can’t add any services because thats bad. On another hand, if they remove them, you’ll argue something different. They can’t win
    7. It’s literally NORMAL for any large developer project to need to authenticate your information with a login for lots of things. Firefox, Fedora, etc. Personally, if I’m contributing stack dumps, I don’t want my stack dumps accessible by everyone…
    8. Contributor agreements on these projects are also incredibly common in case you weren’t aware…
    9. You’re taking what you read from the other post as Gospal. You haven’t even tested that posts claims (or you have and couldn’t prove them)

    Just so you know, one of my projects was actually mentioned in LinuxWorld Magazine 20 years ago and mentioned at the front of Slashdot, and I’ve used everything from self-hosted, Gitlab to Github over the years (CVS, SVN, Mercurial, tried the Ubuntu one but forget the name and Git now).

    I think you’ve forgotten what open source is actually about… It’s about developing code, not managing infrastructure… And you’re conveniently glossing over how easy it is to migrate data from Github (its definitely not trapped there).

    Instead of screaming “Microsoft Sucks” and nitpicking, you should be asking developers why they aren’t moving. That’s what helps open source developers