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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 9th, 2023


  • French press is covered pretty well by everyone else so I’m here to offer an alternative. Have you considered a moka pot? Cheap, intuitive and offers bold flavor. Thing is you could take your regular coffee prepare it 3 different ways and end up with distinct flavor profiles. It all boils down to what you are looking for when drinking coffee.

    Quick rundown on cold brew, soak your grounds over night, filter, add cream, milk and other flavorings and you have coffeehouse cold drink on demand.

  • I’m definitely coming off as a fatalist and alarmist but I firmly believe there is a path forward that includes all of us. Just the cost will be severe and unexpected, I hope we’re ready. And while my natural inclination is that of least resistance and less pain, I hope it is achievable within our generations. Let us bear the brunt of braving a new world that our children and their children’s children know better lives than we do.

  • If I had a nickel for every time someone unwittingly became the face of something humorous we can all relate to, well I’d at least have a nickel more than what this job presumably paid her.

    Good springboards today. Lemmy is starting to feel more alive don’t you think?

    In all seriousness thank you for taking the time for a moral obligation. All things should be tempered and while humor is a great tool to distort the truth it should never completely obstruct it.

    At the very least, here’s to trying to draw attention to your comment.

  • Capitalism is mass produced feudalism distilled in just enough high fructose corn syrup to sell the lie to the people that if you work hard enough and pull up your straps all the way, one day you will be the one pulling the strings and not licking boots. The problem isn’t in facing this stark reality, it’s in having enough imagination to see what could lay beyond the comforting pain of what you are used to and the devil you don’t know.

    People are not ready for a complete societal overhaul, I am not ready for it either but we’re speeding along to a future where people will know the bitter taste of their neighbor’s flesh in the name of survival. I hope to be spared such knowledge and for other good people to be too but here we are, entire populations around the world are about die of thirst and we’ve let people (because corpos are people as legally defined for the purposes of money in some places and might as well drop the facade in others) bottle and sell it as a commodity and a premium at that.

    For those still reading and capable of abstract thought: imagine you were an entity composed of gas and you discovered a species composed of up to 60% water willingly slave away for clean access. Insanity.

    Stranger than fiction though, we can all start boiling our tap water to reduce up to 90% of microplastics (phys.org). Seems like the cosmic jokes on us. Good thing I guess that we’re boiling our planet alive, that way the ultra rich doomsday-prepped assholes who have allowed this design to come to fruition will have everything they want after the manufactured cataclysm wipes the rest of us out.

    TLDR; I went off on a tinfoiled rant.