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  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • It didn’t have a removable battery, but I used to use an older Asus Zenfone 3 ZE552KL that really kicked arse.

    It had cards slots, a headphone jack, a built in radio that used wired headphones for signal, and the damned thing was as reasonably waterproof as I could imagine a smartphone to be. It’s camera was pretty great for the price, too.

    Well, one day it fell very hard on a sharp rock, and the screen shattered. The crack made a hole a few milimeteres deep, and it was about a centimetre wide. It might not sound like much, but the crack in the screen was very much there. My happy arse managed to then have it fall out of my pocket and right into the flush of a high-powered toilet.

    I left it to dry for one day, and it worked almost like new again. It still powers up today, but the since security updates stopped years ago, i don’t use it anymore. IIRC, it wasn’t too expensive, but I forget if there was a sale going on at the time.

    I hope I can find another phone like that around that general price point one day. I can dream haha.

  • IIRC the protests in Canada were also super controversial, especially for the people who lived there at the time.

    I will not get into that here, though.

    If you aren’t keeping your life savings in cash and you wouldn’t trust digital currency, how would you propose your idea?

    Even stuff like bitcoin would be susceptible to your concerns about government overeach. Investing could also easily be a crapshoot, because your entire life saving would still be reliant on someone who doesn’t know or care you.

    What do you suggest?

  • This might only be me, but when I’m constipated, my go to is hydration and lettuce.

    I’ll get myself a nice big salad, and eat it super fast. The idea is that if you eat it fast, you won’t chew as much. The partially unchewed lettuce can help irritate your guts into doing a bit of a clean cycle. (Plus, veggies are already great for constipation.)

    Best of luck, and wishing a healthy one for you soon haha.

  • I can only speak for myself, but that’s exactly why I left my last job. I loved it and the people I worked with, but I couldn’t afford that pay rate with such poor benefits.

    On my way out, they told me that they wished they had 10 more employees like me.

    They didn’t want it bad enough to pay even one employee a little more, though. I am not the only person who left recently lmao

  • No kidding. Just earlier today, I was looking for a kind of niche tool used to wrap pallets in plastic, and I found nothing on google about it. It kept showing me everything BUT what I was looking for.

    On bing, I found just about all of the information I needed about it. Turns out it’s niche partially because it’s made in my province, which I also found out from bing. Almost no one knows what I’m referring to when I mention it. It combines the technology of machine wrapping and hand wrapping, and it makes warehousing much easier sometimes. I wanted to recommend it to someone. Thanks Bing!

  • Don’t get me wrong, I’m not about telling other people how to dress or what to wear. Not at all.

    To be honest with you, I don’t really go on twitch. When I made my comment, I had some of my earlier experiences with lemmy on my mind. I just turned off nsfw in my app settings though.

    My main reasoning was so that certain things didn’t show up when I was showing something else to family, or if a coworker saw my phone over my shoulder. There are some jobs where you really don’t want your boss to see certain things, but most other forms of slacking off are ok.

    For me, it wasn’t even about anyone’s chest. It was not wanting furry porn haha. They really should have thought about this before instating it.

    Now people will be upset regardless of what they do.

  • I don’t get some of these comments. You can want to avoid random nudity without bring a prude or jealous.

    I’d argue that a LOT of people are not interested in seeing 99.9% of the population naked, and there should be nothing wrong with that. I don’t care what they look like. Sometimes people just don’t want to look at rectums.

    The mindset of “you have to be happy about unexpectedly seeing a stranger naked or you’re a prude” also doesn’t sit right with me.

    I would have just stopped using twitch, personally.

  • What is forgiveness to you?

    To a lot of people, forgiveness comes when the person who did wrong feels regret over their actions. Not regret for the consequences, but regret for the harm that their actions caused.

    Tbh, if someone is hoping that just paying false lip service will guarantee then forgiveness from an all knowing being, I’ll wonder what exactly it is that they believe. An all knowing God would know whether you actually regret harming someone, or if you just regret not getting into heaven. Is there any chance you could explain that to me? I have seriously never understood why some religious people believe that they could fool an all knowing God.

    If that amount of sin is forgiven easily, I would argue that many of the harmless actions that current organized reliegon is against would also be forgiven.

  • Let’s hope they start making it easier for those mechanics then, lmao.

    I used to want to get into the industry, but that stopped when I heard about all of the ridiculous things you have to move around to preform basic maintenance. That was bad before, but now? Woof.

    My buddy had to do a recall replacement, that took many hours. The manufacturer however, decided that it should only take less than half of that time, so they only paid him for the time that they wanted to pay for. Not for the actual number of hours that it physically took to disassemble and reassemble the thing, but instead what was convenient to them. Nope.