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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Something that I’ve wanted from a dictionary app for a while is the ability to add custom definitions for words that I may not have a dictionary for.

    For example, I am told by a friend that the Finnish word “pimahtaa” means “to go ape shit”. I don’t plan on learning Finnish, so I don’t need a whole Finnish dictionary.

    Another less isolated example is how when I was learning Attic Greek, I wanted to build my own personal dictionary from the ground up, where the only words in it would be what I had learned and added myself, also allowing me to add new words.

    It feels like a fairly simple problem to solve, but I’m not sure what to search for, I wonder if you have any advice, OP?

  • I wonder what would facilitate people to make their own solutions in this way. Like, I have made a few apps or automation things myself, but if I look at my “normie” friends who don’t have the level of tech familiarity that I do, they struggle with whatever out of the box solutions they can find. Poor IT education is a big part of this, and I’ve been wondering a lot about what would need to change for the average “normie” to be empowered to tinker

  • AnarchistArtificer@slrpnk.nettoMemes@lemmy.mlUncanny Valley
    1 month ago

    I mean, racism has as much reason to exist now as it ever did. “I’ll protect me and what’s mine” has been the dividing line between species for thousands of years, and we have to choose whether we’ll continue it. A “Kill or be killed” mindset might keep you safe, but you’ll never know if the person you killed did indeed mean you harm, or if you could’ve instead lived without killing, and broke bread with a rival. The logic still applies

  • AnarchistArtificer@slrpnk.nettoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldFor edge lovers
    1 month ago

    I’m familiar with edging, but I’m not sure I see the joke. That might be because “edge” feels somewhat semantically separate to “edging” in my mind. As a clearer example of what I mean, if the word “edgy” came up, I would be way more likely to think of it as describing someone or something that tries too hard to be dark and provocative. I’d be very confused if someone used “edgy” as an adjectivified form of “edging”.

    Besides that though, I’m sure that edging was a thing 15 years ago; the Wikipedia article for “edging(sexual practice)” dates back to 2006, for one. Part of why I didn’t get the joke is because I can’t think of any logical link between edging and 15 years ago, so I think I concluded that the meme wasn’t about the sex thing.

    Is there still something I’m missing, or am I just being supremely autistic about this?

  • I always experience a weird sense of sonder[1] when I see spam bots, because even if it’s a huge, highly automated network of bots, there’s at least one human involved if you could trace the bots back to their source.

    I wonder what kind of person they are, and how the hell they make a profit from the spam. They surely must have a non-zero return rate, but how well does it work? Are they making bank from the task, or barely scraping by? Are they surviving on the scam income, or is it just a bit extra on top of a regular job? Do they enjoy the work, or are they as much of a wage-slave as I am, just in a different way. Were they themselves a victim of some scam, perhaps? I’ll never know, hence the sonder.

    [1]: Sonder, noun, neologism. “The feeling one has on realizing that every other individual one sees has a life as full and real as one’s own, in which they are the central character and others, including oneself, have secondary or insignificant roles” (dictionary.com)

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