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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Bro, that’s not good Mac and cheese. You haven’t had good Mac and cheese. I promise you.

    Check out how to use sodium citrate and what it does.

    Them get yourself some of your favorite cheese.

    For me, smoked Gouda and cave aged cheddar and a little pecorino romano if I’ve got it.

    Roughly 4-5g of sodium citrate per 100g of cheese. Use water or milk, start with a half cup and add more as you need it, honestly there’s more than enough fat content in the cheese that it won’t make a difference. Shred cheese and add to simmering water. Keep adding cheese until everything is in the pot, and the sauce is perfectly smooth. There should be no lumps. Add more water or milk to desired consistency, and add some mustard powder, cayenne, and garlic. And salt to your preference. It’s the creamiest Mac and cheese you’ll ever have, and the depth of flavor is game changing. I promise you.

    You can even take it to the next step with caramelized onions or shallots and some crumbled sausage. Finish with some bread crumbs, a little paramesian, and some smoked paprika on top, and toss it under the broiler for a minute to toast up.

    For reference, the photo of the “Juneteenth” version is melted cheese with noodles. Fuck that. The recipe I gave you will look like the stuff on the right, and its so fucking good, you’ll discover God in that bowl of Mac and cheese.

  • Alteon@lemmy.world
    tomemes@lemmy.worldHappy Juneteenth everyone!
    10 days ago

    Cause you’re tasting that sweet, sweet nostalgia.

    I’d bet if you gave someone that’s never had Mac and cheese before Kraft Mac vs a good gourmet Mac, the gourmet will win by an absolute landslide.

    Cheap Mac and cheese isn’t good because it’s good… It’s good because of the old memories attached to it.

  • Okay. I hate any music that references all of the following pandering terms: trucks, boots, whiskey, blue jeans, dirt, drinkin’, beer, and. “back roads”.

    If you removed the lyrics from almost every modern US “Country” song, they wouldn’t be so bad, by holy shit…it’s like you can’t have a country song without whiskey and blue jeans sung in an overdone Kentucky or Mid-Western accent. It’s essentially fan service for country boys and girls. Half of those singers haven’t touched so much as a rake in their entire lives and for some reason people make this genre their entire fucking identity.

  • Alteon@lemmy.world
    toLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldY'all want a shitpost?
    2 months ago

    Real men don’t wipe. Real men leave that brown shit of superiority staining their ass and underwear. It’s a display of dominance. Show that washing machine whose boss. Let your wife and girlfriend see the proud steak of freedom, a signature of your manliness written upon the very fabric of the garments you wear closest to your body.

    Watch men of weaker constitution and lower stature run away from you, and give you the space and respectful deference that you deserve. You are a king, and kings don’t worry about such literal shit.

    Let it eventually mark your truck seat as warning to weaker men what sort of beast occupies that vehicle and you will never again have to worry about criminal scum trying to take your vehicle for fear of your retribution, for they bore witness to the throne upon which a real man resides.

  • Alteon@lemmy.world
    toAssholeDesign@lemmy.world1/3 full brand new deodorant
    3 months ago

    Coming from someone who’s friend did this…no…no they don’t. Not even remotely. You just got used to your stink, and people typically aren’t assholes enough to say anything about it to you. It’s about as effective as using a magic crystal to ward away the smell. Hell, the salt stick even smells like an armpit after the first 2-3 times you use it.

  • Alteon@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Depicted: Incel “Alpha” Males hoping to one day have a submissive wife sex slave, that cooks, maintains the house for them, and raises children, so that they can continue being children themselves. Women are just lining up for this lifestyle, aren’t they?