Dizzy Devil Ducky

I am Zach, AKA AceFuzzLord, AKA Dizzy Devil Ducky!

  • 0 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • Under normal circumstances, the black random pill would be completely up my alley, but not today.

    With the shoebox pill, depending on shoebox size, I would give myself 5,000 $100USD bills ($500,000 total). Never said a thing about not getting money in the process, just that it has to exist.

    Also, the bottom right corner 5 months experience pill. Definitely 5 months experience in charisma based manipulation (in both text and vocal form if possible) so I could get slightly ahead of others in life. Gotta work smarter, not harder sometimes.

  • I don’t condone it, but I’ve done something similar once in a Boy Scouts meeting as a scout. Had sandals on and I don’t remember the full meeting, but at one point we were chopping wood with an axe. I did it, but that’s not my brightest move. There was also a time where I was getting my metalworking badge and entered the forge one time for a kinda free time work on your project thing with shorts on by mistake. Nobody stopped me in either case. This wasn’t pre-2000s, so I’m not sure how I got away with either event considering safety is usually taken much more seriously nowadays.

  • Dizzy Devil Ducky@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlI couldn't believe my eyes
    2 months ago

    Last time I tried this, on Android, it was miserable. Here’s hoping that version isn’t a mess and you can actually play it. Months and months of updates and work has surely made it less of a janky mess, right?

    Edit: someone found a version on Google Play, but I was definitely talking about an open source version on GitHub. Wanted to make a distinction in case someone thought for whatever reason I was talking about some shitty nostalgia bait mobile port.

  • Dizzy Devil Ducky@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlWould you?
    2 months ago

    No. If I’m going somewhere to save someone, I don’t want my presence to be openly announced to everyone by having my music blaring, especially not some kidnappers. I’d want to be as quiet as possible, whether that’s on the way there or while dealing with kidnappers. I’m not smart enough to know what I shouldn’t end up saying and who knows if the info I blab about could be used against me in some way, so shutting up would be the best solution.

  • Don’t remember the “FuzzLord” part, but Ace comes from whenever a game asked for a 3 letter initial for scores or if I needed to enter a name for a save, I always chose Ace.

    I presume the “Lord” part comes from me sometimes being an arrogant prick at times who thinks he’s better than others when in reality I ain’t much better than the next guy.