Just like heaven in my ass
Just like heaven in my ass
I agree, duck autocorrect
Been font jumping for a long time. Consolas, Fira, SF Mono, Input, Source Code Pro, Iosevka… finally settled on Pragama Pro. The font is quite expensive, but really worth it imo. It’s even sharper and clearer on macOS.
I have no idea what they do but I create a lot of them. I like the icon
Problem is, you only have like, 3 free trials. After that you need a new account
Common mistake. You know that if you drink too much urine, there will be nothing left to piss, right?
Literally got a pop up today for their dumbass PC manager.
Do you mean their prononciations? They’re the same cuz in reality, they represent the same number - like “A” and “a”.
The Chinese numbers are already in use ages ago and (as far as I know) predates the Ming dynasty. Fun fact, there are both “upper case” Chinese numbers (壹,貳,叁,⋯) and “lower case” numbers (一,二,三,⋯). The uppercase numbers are still used in official documents, esp. monetary ones such as checks to indicate the monetary value. For example: “壹拾贰万叁仟肆佰伍拾陆元整” means “¥123,456”. According to Wikipedia, this is done to prevent the numbers from being doctored, like changing 1 to 7.
It’s true that the lower case numbers aren’t used as much, but they are still used in text when the number is less than ten, e.g. “I have three children” -> “我有三个孩子” as opposed to “我有 3 个孩子”, for better paragraph consistency, typesetting and whatnot. However the Chinese numbers will become too long for anything greater than a hundred, so it’s all Arabic numbers after that.
Source: am Chinese
Truer words have never been spoken.
Presenting: worst dad joke of the year 🏆🥇