• Xanthrax@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I knew gentleman that was 100 (he literally turned 100 the year I met him). He was one of the most sharp people at the retirement home; I think a lot of it was the fact he loved the internet and gaming.

    Edit: If any of you are history nerds with a good concept of time, you may have thought of something:

    HE SAW CIVIL WAR VETERANS; HE WAS THAT OLD. I say “saw” because he only ever saw them in parades, never spoke to them. I asked him if they let the confederates on the floats and he just laughed and said “no” (I wish people had that common sense nowadays) . He also thought I was asking if he FOUGHT in the civil war, so that got a good laugh out of him aswell. Cool dude all around. He used to give me a lot of shit, but now he’s just another grandpa to me.