So, for the longest time i’ve had a Nvidia GTX 1080 card im my linux server for a few different self-hosted services.I got this card for free of a friend who wasn’t using it anymore. However, today i put that card into my main gaming computer(Garuda), instead of my old trusty 1070ti. Then, after installing drivers, i launched a game to test the card - and the GPU just immediately went to full performance mode of fans spinning at 100% and the card sounding like an airport by itself. Rebooted the computer and the card runs fine when browsing and watching videoes, but any game will make the card go brrrr!.

Did I do anything wrong? Is this a driver thing, a hardware thing?

I will probably just switch over the cards again, just wanted it for the performance boost in some games.

Thanks for any help or pointers.

edit: the screens go black and i am forced to reboot. Kinda important part i totally forgot to add.