I have an inventory of hosts, and from them, one of the tasks should choose a leader by running a command on each until one of the machines produces an expected output (json value.)
I want some code to run on that leader to initialize it, and then I want some of the other roles to delegate some tasks to that leader.
Not sure how to do this?
Should I use dynamic inventory to analyze a group of hosts, and create a new group (can you run built_in.command in dynamic inventory? Should I write a role task that runs the identifying command on each host, capturing the result globally if it returns what I want (but then running on each host even if I have found my leader?)
what you need is a pre_task to query all nodes and get the leader magic bit in a var using register, like below.
- name: Is docker manager shell: docker info | grep 'Is Manager' register: leader - name: Get join string shell: docker swarm join-token worker when: "true in leader.stdout" register: token - name: Join a docker swarm as a worker shell: "{{ token.stdout }}" when: "true not in leader.stdout"
that is how I would go about getting a docker swarm setup, that any help?