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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: April 24th, 2024


  • It can and does happen to men, and trans and intersex people as well, but its far more commonly associated with women.

    Most of the market for prostitutes globally is men seeking women… but not always.

    It… also happens with children of all sexes.

    Its unfortunately not uncommon for a child to be either abducted or lured into sex slavery, though being technical that now becomes child sex trafficking or sex trafficking of a minor, which usually has even more harsh punishments.

  • Sex trafficking is basically when you break immigration laws and/or forcibly transport people against their will, or in some kind of unescapable debt/slavery type of arrangement, where you yourself know that the people you are illegally moving are going to be forced into sex work, often for little to no pay, often with the sex trafficked people having no practical ability to leave due to withholding their passports or bank accounts from them.

    EDIT: And also often getting the sex trafficking victims addicted to drugs.

    Its human trafficking + facilitating or operating a business of prostitution or non consensual pornography production.

    Unless you are going to be forcing your gf into prostitution as her pimp following your out of state dinner, then no, what you have described is not sex trafficking.

    If she is unhappy with going to an out of state restaurant but ultimately consents to this, and then consents to sex afterward, this is just an awkward relationship with you being pretty weird and controlling, but its probably not a crime.

    If, however you threaten her or force her or drug her to get to this out of state dinner, and the do the same to coercively have sex with her without her consent, then that’s interstate kidnapping and rape… still not sex trafficking though.

  • sp3tr4l@lemmy.ziptomemes@lemmy.worldWhy even ask?
    18 days ago

    Except that you can effectively screen for basic interpersonal skills with a casual conversation of 15 to 30 minutes where the interviewer throws in some flashpoint / hot topics and asks a few more pointed or consequential questions after a general report has been established.

    Or better yet, do that with their possible coworkers, or get said coworkers to suggest topics and questions for the recruiter in the above scenario.

  • sp3tr4l@lemmy.ziptomemes@lemmy.worldWhy even ask?
    19 days ago

    Why ask?

    To further solidify the notion that you, as a recruitee, must show total devotion and unwavering loyalty to a potential employer.

    Obviously recruiters know that people jump around after contracts or when they feel they are not being paid enough, that people scatter shot apply to anything like guys swiping on tinder because their prior experience trying to get a job has shown them that there’s really no rhyme or reason to it, that desired qualifications are nearly always absurdly niche or dramatically overinflated, and that there’s a hundred or a thousand people applying to every job opening.

    It is literally their job to facilitate this process. Of course they know how all if this works.

    This rhetoric is basically an attempt at conditioning you into being servile. If you ‘play ball’, you might get this particular job, and then they’ll basically lie to you about upward mobility, job stability or repeating contracts.

    They are salesman. They sell the job to you and you to the company.

    Why would they be anything other than slimy underhanded liars?

  • sp3tr4l@lemmy.ziptomemes@lemmy.worldRemember when games had manuals too?
    27 days ago

    I grew up in a fun American Christian household so I wasn’t allowed to play games beyond my mandated age range until my dad became too much of an alcoholic to give a shit.

    Goldeneye? Had to play it over at a friend’s house.

    Starcraft? I made sure to never play as or against Zerg if there was any chance my parents were awake, as they died far too bloody deaths.

    My dad gave me G Police on PC, he found it at a garage sale or something, apparently did not check the rating schema, and took it away when curse words were used in the intro cinematic.

    He did not hide it well, I found the CD and played the game a week later with headphones and I just told him it was different game, which worked.

    But uh, Passion of the Christ? That was fine, despite basically being a gratuitous snuff film.

    Oh well, could have been worse: Our neighbors were even more extreme, leading me to getting chewed out by their mom for introducing them to Pokemon cards. Pokemon evolve, you see, therefore they are of Satan.

  • sp3tr4l@lemmy.ziptomemes@lemmy.worldDeep thoughts.
    1 month ago

    Boats often have windows.

    Not always…

    … But, if a boat does have windows, its more likely one can actually live in it as compared to a boat without windows.

    But, some boats with windows cannot really move under their own power, though many can.

    But also many boats without windows can also move.

    But not all of them.
