Homo Homini Lupus Est

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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 1st, 2023

  • I never understood people instantly behaving differently the second they smell money in a person. It gets uglier the more they smell. Noone with money will ever deal with them. Never ever.

    It’s epitome is this cult-like following or even worshipping of silly ass-clowns like musk.

    I tried to look as poor as possible when i last dated. Golddiggers quickly leave then. I don’t get the followers and i even less get the rich fucks boasting around so they can never trust anyone ever anymore. Great tactics 😁

  • I know. I was an animal rights activist once (in a time where “vegan” was either an insult or noone knew what it even was). Based on way too much knowledge about what we do with other beings.

    And i didn’t say “it’s ethical”, but a local farm where the cows got names and live a great life (up until they stop doing so) surely beats industrialized farming ethically. I doubt you wanna argue there, except you only can live in a binary world (harm/don’t harm) . But that would be impossible as a vegan. Unless you’re one (i just assumed) because it’s fashionable or trendy or just edgy.

    Btw something being “humane” doesn’t really mean anything ethical. Being sadistic shit-sticks who rape the whole planet raw until there’s nothing left is actuallly very “humane”. No other species is that horribly aweful.

  • You know what’s funny?

    People say that like forever. And those “vegan cultists” we told that 3 decades ago (and we were waiting for them to die of malnutrition) are still healthy and happy while the average supermarket-joe got fat and unhappy or is long dead by now.

    I’m no vegan btw. but why would i argue with science? Just because we evolved to be able to eat nearly everything doesn’t mean we should. We could probably survive a good while on just eating hoofs or tree bark. Doesn’t mean we should include it in our diet.

  • Dyskolos@lemmy.ziptoMemes@lemmy.mlits true tho
    2 months ago

    Apple might be user-friendly, but that is kinda easy if you’re super restrictive. And the only one that produces their stuff. The worst thing about android is being so fragmented, not only in versions but also in makers. And some really put tons of their own shit on top of android. I hate it. Especially Samsung. The apple of android.

    I also hate it to be stuck with googles pixels. They’re not only the purest but also, ironically, the easiest to root and, especially, un-google them with a different OS.

  • Dyskolos@lemmy.ziptoMemes@lemmy.mlits true tho
    2 months ago

    Indeed. They were on the way to a unified os. Still kinda are. And people totally hate them for it. At least you could use the (nearly) same win on your Touch-pad and desktop. And i actually liked their phones. Just could never really keep it without telegram. And that (the lack of apps) was their downfall.

  • Dyskolos@lemmy.ziptoMemes@lemmy.mlits true tho
    2 months ago

    Lol yes. Isn’t it sad? They’re even proud of being “rich” (lol) and brag about their stupid apple-gadgets. Apple really managed to get from “get more, pay less” to “get less, pay even more and get fucked” and having people kiss their butts for it.

  • Dyskolos@lemmy.ziptoMemes@lemmy.mlits true tho
    2 months ago

    Absolutely this. I, too, go for android (pixel even, sigh) but would prefer a real os. android was aweful when it came out, grew much better, then declined again. And with each update they kill so many apps due to “security”-changes.

    And what’s worst of all, is the constant struggle to actually own your own device (=root). Noone would ever have bought a pc with no admin-pwd where you can only “refresh” your current windows-version and nothing more. You can’t buy anything else than pixels (and even with those you need at least minimum tech-knowledge and are dependent on the continuing development of ONE app). Having any other brand makes it near impossible without luck, time and frustration-tolerance.

    The coming generations will just pay 1000 for a phone they are allowed to use, not own, and think that is how it is and ever has been.

  • Be glad it’s still there and found an okay way to pay for costs. Pavel might be rich, but tgram grew a bit big for a hobby/vision payment alone. And there’s nothing behind the paywall anyone really needa, so it’s fine for me. Better than selling my data and calling the app “free”. He never said it would never happen. He just promised (back then) that it would always remain free to use. Which it is.

    The stories are annoying, yes. But people are using this shit. I don’t understand why, but I don’t get social media in general.

  • I’d say it’s a difference between being good which benefits myself too and basing a life on it. If you do something just to do good, you might be doing good, but aren’t good. As said, that mindset might quickly turn around if there’s suddenly no benefit to being good anymore. Sure, you could argue that the motivation to do good doesn’t matter as long as good is done. But, as said, it’s just so very volatile and setting no example for others.

    As to charities…i had consulted two very big ones here and i said fuck-them and left after some days. Having access to their complete data made me puke. Up to that point I always thought charities were cool. But just to point out one:

    • 2 CEOs driving fat company-cars, on “company”-trip every week (london for a nice dinner etc)
    • The cellar was full of assets of old people’s inheritance. At least double-digit millions of paintings, gold, jewelry, motorbikes, cars…
    • “charity” moved for the 3rd time in 2yrs, buying the third multi-million-building.
    • a whole division of lawyers to threaten people
    • a whole division of marketing-gurus to talk old people into leaving their inheritance to them. And boy you would be wondering how good that works.
    • tons of things more, nobody gave a fuck about anyway

    Yes, they also did good things with their “income”. But literally >95% was for the “overhead”. The only good thing was that employees are basically non-fire-able. They even keep alcoholics who rarely show up, just to avoid negative publicity. Most of the people working there don’t even do anything anymore. They just spend the day surfing. Salaries were shit though. But if you got a job there, you would essentially be set for life.

    The other “charity” wasn’t much different, i left even earlier with a “fuck you, i won’t work for you”. Sure, maybe there ARE good charities, who spend >80% for the charity not the “overhead”, but I don’t have to time to find out, hence i never donated a single cent anymore except tiny local associations i know (and work with/for).

  • Sorry, it’s hard to trust someone to be “good” when being good is actually the source of income. If it pays a sociopath to be nice, he’d be nice. Until it stops being beneficial. Doesn’t mean he COULD be nice. I don’t know the guy personally :)

    Sanders might be nice, and also productive right now. But a look on how incredibly bad the USA looks to the world, i highly doubt he will REALLY do anything. Even if he has good intentions, it sadly doesn’t matter much. Though, everytime I read something about/from him, I always was like “why the fuck don’t they get THIS guy to run this shithole?! why do they want the assclown instead?!”.

  • Oh right, i was totally fixated on the npc and dialogue-thing. For everything else in production(!) it’s surely helpful. Texture-Generation. Seamless. Audio. Music. Even level generation and whatnot, that’ll be helpful a lot. I let ai design my watchface-background as i would’ve never found one i like and I’m creative as a doorknob.

    But what it lacks is theme. You can only fill gaps, but you can’t let it generate everything. You still need an artist with a vision and a given theme.to have a consistent art-style.

  • Wow, what a combination. But sorry, a youtuber that earns his money by being “good” and is literally living off this “making news” isn’t really counting in my book.

    Jesus… Dunno about some figure that might or might not have existed in this or another way. Hard to argue.

    Sanders… I’m no American so i don’t know enough about the guy, other than that he want the good changes. But who cares, he won’t make it. Good people never get power. That’s the point. You’ll probably end with clown-face-billionaire-pedo again.